Young-Il Kim

Young-Il Kim

Osobne informacije

Dob: 36
Rođendan: 29 Listopad

O meni:

I live in Korea. before I have ever worked in Sarawak, Malayisa. then I can speak English and Malay bahasa and Chinese a bit.

I want to develop my speaking using many foreign languages through good friendship. And I think I can be a good Korean teacher.

welcome all.

PS. I really want to turn right side profile pic but I have no idea.



  • korejski | Materinji
  • engleski (Australija) | Elementarno znanje
  • malajski (Malezija) | Početnik


  • engleski (Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo) | Elementarno znanje
  • španjolski (Meksiko) | Početnik
  • kineski (Singapur) | Početnik